EP #25 – Making Google Ads work for your small business

We talk about how to make Google Ads work for your small business.

Google makes it very easy to create a Google Ads account, drop in a credit card number and start advertising. But should you take that super-fast way to get online? Generally speaking most small businesses will quickly waste a lot of money without a more strategic approach to Google Ads

  1. What are Google Ads and how does “Pay Per Click” marketing works?
  2. Why would a small business use Google Ads vs other online ad platforms such as the social media platforms?
  3. How “Google Local Services Ads” work and what do small business owners need to consider in using this service?
  4. What are tips for doing keyword research to decide which keywords to buy ads against? What are negative keywords?
  5. There is very little space in a Google Search ad to get a message across, how should small business owners think about their ad creative when creating Search Ads?
  6. What about after the click? What should a business owner think about when it comes to Landing Pages, Thank You Pages and Metrics? Should ads just be sent to the company’s homepage?

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Ken Tucker
Ken Tucker
Ken Tucker is the founder of Changescape Web, a Small Business Marketing and Website Design Agency specializing in developing comprehensive integrated marketing strategies and campaigns for small and mid-sized businesses across the US. Specialties include search engine optimization, website design, reputation management, social media marketing, and lead generation Read more ➤
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Ken Tucker
Ken Tucker
Ken Tucker is the founder of Changescape Web, a Small Business Marketing and Website Design Agency specializing in developing comprehensive integrated marketing strategies and campaigns for small and mid-sized businesses across the US. Specialties include search engine optimization, website design, reputation management, social media marketing, and lead generation Read more ➤